Environmental documents may be needed for various LADWP projects to assess environmental impacts. These documents need to be prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The preparation of environmental documents involves public disclosure to regulatory agencies and the general public to review the data, analysis, and conclusions reached in the environmental documents. Early in the planning of the environmental document, LADWP initiates tribal consultation under Assembly Bill (AB) 52. Refer to the following links to learn more information about the LADWP Environmental Planning and Assessment Group's Procedure for Tribal Consultation under Assembly Bill (AB) 52.

Below this section is a list of active projects, including project name, notice type, start of public review, and end of public review. Included is also the anticipated hearing date of when the Board of Water and Power Commissioners will adopt/certify the environmental document and approve the project (CEQA).

Select a Project Name to view more information.

EA Environmental Assessment (NEPA) MND Mitigated Negative Declaration (CEQA)
EIR Environmental Impact Report (CEQA) ND Negative Declaration (CEQA)
DEIR Draft EIR (CEQA) NOD Notice of Determination (CEQA)
FEIR Final EIR (CEQA) NOE Notice of Exemption (NOE)
EIS Environmental Impact Statement (NEPA) NOI Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (NEPA)
IS  Initial Study (CEQA) NOP Notice of Preparation of an EIR (CEQA)
    TBD  To Be Determined


    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 02/12/24
    End of Public Review 03/17/24
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A



    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 11/30/23
    End of Public Review 01/05/24
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A



    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 02/28/24
    End of Public Review 03/28/24
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A



    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 06/27/24
    End of Public Review 08/01/24
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A



    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 02/21/24
    End of Public Review 03/27/24
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A
    Notice Type NOP Draft PEIR
    Start of Public Review 03/15/21 TBD
    End of Public Review 04/14/21 TBD
    LADWP Board Hearing Date    

    Update: The NOP Public Comment Period is closed. The next opportunity for comment will be when the Draft PEIR is released for public review, currently anticipated to be in Summer 2024.

    Additional information is available at www.ladwp.com/operationnext/ceqa.

    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 09/06/23
    End of Public Review 10/06/23
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A
    Notice Type NOE
    Start of Public Review 09/12/23
    End of Public Review 10/12/23
    LADWP Board Hearing Date N/A

    Archived Environmental Reports

    Environmental documents may be needed for various LADWP projects to assess environmental impacts. These documents are prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).