Each year, LADWP celebrates our largest customers’ achievements in electrification, efficiency, and conservation at our annual Sustainability Awards event. Launched in 2016 and hosted by our Key Accounts Section, the Sustainability Awards recognize our commercial, governmental, and institutional customers’ significant positive environmental impacts achieved through participation in our rebate programs. Since the event’s inception, we have honored more than 100 of our largest customers at this event.
By keeping water and electric use efficient, and by adopting electric vehicles and installing chargers, our largest customers are able to save on costs, conserve natural resources, and contribute to the environmental goals of the City of Los Angeles.
In 2024, our Key Accounts Section hosted the 9th annual event on April 17 and honored 19 customers for their significant achievements in Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation, Electrification of Transportation, and Demand Response. Learn more about our 2024 event, and current and past awardees.
Past Awards Events:
- 2024: Business Customers Recognized for Participation in LADWP Sustainability Programs
- 2023: LADWP Honors Environmental Leaders From Among Its Business Customers
- 2022: LADWP Recognizes Top Customers’ Sustainability Successes
- 2021: Environmental Leadership Continues During Pandemic
- 2020: LADWP 5th Annual Sustainability Awards Honor LA’s Greenest Customers
- 2019: LADWP Honors LA’s Sustainability Visionaries
- 2018: LADWP Recognizes Leaders in Environmental Sustainability
- 2017: LADWP Celebrates Top Customers Who Are Distinguished Leaders in Environmental Sustainability
- 2016: LADWP Honors its Largest Customers for Demonstrated Excellence in Sustainability
Related Programs
Building Benchmarking
This webpage will guide you in obtaining and tracking your energy and water consumption, using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®. This will help you comply with the City of Los Angeles’ Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Ordinance (EBEWE), which became effective January 1, 2017. It also serves to comply with State Legislation that requires statewide building energy use benchmarking.
Business Offerings for Sustainable Solutions (BOSS)
Let our Business Offerings for Sustainable Solution (BOSS) program’s rebates help with the cost of your next efficiency project!
CES2G, also known as the Commercial Energy Storage to Grid pilot program, is the nation’s first municipal utility vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and energy storage-to-grid program.
Commercial EV Charging Station Rebate Program
Rebates, for light, to heavy-duty vehicles, help support the growth of Los Angeles’ robust charging network.
Commercial Lighting Incentive Program
The Commercial Lighting Incentive Program provides rebates on the installation of newly purchased and installed energy-efficient lighting and controls.
Commercial SoCal Water $mart Water Rebate Program
LADWP continues to offer a wide array of rebates and incentive programs that encourage water use efficiency and sustainable landscaping for businesses including rebates for appliances and irrigation equipment.
Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits Program
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits (CAMR) program assists L.A.’s low income, multifamily property owners.
Demand Response Program
LADWP’s Demand Response (DR) is an incentive based, voluntary energy management program for businesses that helps reduce their utility bills during times of peak power demand, ensuring the continued reliability of power for Los Angeles.