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Apply Today

The CES2G pilot program has officially commenced, and we are open to receiving applications for Tranche 3, starting from July 1, 2024, until October 28, 2024. These applications will be processed in the period between July 31, 2024, and October 29, 2024.

About CES2G

CES2G, also known as the Commercial Energy Storage to Grid pilot program, is the nation’s first municipal utility vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and energy storage-to-grid program. This pilot program enables electric vehicles to send power back to the electric grid, converting them to mobile batteries. This program allows LADWP to take any unused energy and give it back to the electric grid, or store it for later use so we use less fossil fuels and achieve greater grid reliability.

Eligible participants may include commercial, industrial and institutional customers using high-voltage DC fast chargers for large fleets of electric buses, trucks or other types of EVs as well as stationary batteries. LADWP will make available 20 megawatts (MW) of power capacity through separately metered systems connecting batteries or EV charging stations to the power grid.

Three tranches will be introduced for the available 20 MW capacity. Additional tranches may be created if there is leftover capacity after each tranche concludes. LADWP will announce the commencement of CES2G to new applications for each Capacity tranche on this website not less than 30 days prior to the opening of the application period. Applications received within this “pre-application” time period will be deemed received at the same time. The order of applications received or deemed received on the first day will be determined by random drawing.

Program Status

0.0 MW

0.0 MW

20 MW

Wait List
0.0 MW

Tranche 1: 4 MW

Tranche 2: 7 MW

Tranche 3: 9 MW

Leftover Tranche Capacity: TBD

7/10/2023 - 10/8/2023

2/29/2024 - 5/29/2024



Program Benefits

CES2G program participants will receive:

  • Incentive rates that encourage charging and discharging at times that most benefit the grid and energy bill credits for dispatched energy.
  • Pay about $0.17 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) above the peak charging rate.
  • A significant portion of the interconnection costs offset (see chart below).
  • LADWP will call at least 50 critical events each year when participants are guaranteed they can export power to the grid and receive the incentive rate.

CES2G Important Details

4.8-kV Interconnections

Interconnection Reimbursement

Lesser of: $150k or 75% of costs

Energy Credit Price (DESS 2*)


34.5-kV Interconnections

Interconnection Reimbursement

Lesser of: $400k or 75% of costs

Energy Credit Price (DESS 3*)



Maximum Available (MW)



Application Submittal period per tranche

90 days

*The Energy Credit price for DESS2 and DESS3 are subject to change.
See Section 2.3 of the Guidelines. Prices subject to the DESS Rate Agreement.

Program Eligibility and Technical Requirements Overview

  • All BESSs must utilize lithium-ion batteries or similar at LADWP’s discretion.
  • Due to the limited amount of available program capacity, eligible Facilities are limited to a Capacity of 300 kW-AC on the 4.8-kV system or 3 MW-AC on the 34.5-kV system.
  • Facilities shall be interconnected to the LADWP system at one single interconnection point.
  • Mobile or stationary energy storage systems, including electric vehicle fleets, would require a separate meter that has bi-directional capabilities.
  • Mobile Energy Storage Systems will need to use charging equipment that is bi-directional, capable of both charging and discharging power.

How to apply

Customers may submit an application via email.

Review the Program Guidelines

Find out if you meet eligibility and technical requirements and learn more about the program.

Download, complete and email the Application Package


This is an example of an AESP. Please change the answers for your project.

Complete and email Contract Documents

Submit Supplier Contract Data and Business Compliance Forms for contract execution.
LADWP will purchase energy from the CES2G resource under a long-term Distribution Voltage Energy Storage Supply Services (DESS) Agreement, up to 10 years in duration.