From industry trends and best practices to sustainability initiatives, our monthly Connections Newsletter provides valuable insights, updates, and resources to support our large business customers.
Improve Drinking Water Access with LADWP’s Hydration Station Program
To help promote accessibility to clean drinking water and reduce single-use plastic waste, the LADWP Hydration Station Initiative Program (HSIP) can give customers cash back for installing or refurbishing publicly accessible drinking water stations on their property.
Improving Water Efficiency: What’s Your Business Strategy?
In the U.S., long-term droughts have left certain regions of the county dealing with insufficient water supplies. The consequences of drought can be devastating to the future growth and profits of water-intensive businesses like food and beverage, paper manufacturing and electronics.
Reduce Operating Costs with Wise Water Use
If you're looking for ways to reduce costs, consider a water efficiency program. You'll not only lower your water and wastewater disposal costs, but your energy bills, as well.
Cooling Tower Projects Bring Big Water Savings
Cooling towers frequently are the equipment at commercial and industrial facilities that use the most water, and the average cooling tower efficiency project results in more than 1 million gallons of water saved per year!