Project Description

The Runyon Canyon Water System Improvement Project will replace approximately 1 mile of 6-inch pipe that runs through the park. Construction methods will include the excavation of a trench along the fire road trail, installation of the new pipeline, and backfilling the trench. Following the pipe installation the trail will be restored and improved. These improvements are necessary to improve the fire protection system in the area, reduce the risk of pipe breaks, enhance water quality and improve the city’s water system infrastructure.

Construction Schedule

The project will begin construction in April and is scheduled until the end of July 2016. Hours of work will be 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with some construction occurring on Saturday and Sunday.

Park Modifications

The yoga field will remain open throughout construction at Runyon Canyon Park; however, the hiking trails and all other areas of the park will be closed to the public.

A list of alternative City of Los Angeles parks with similar outdoor recreation opportunities are listed below:

LADWP Contact Information

(213) 367-1227 
[email protected]

Updated March 2, 2016