To view electric rate schedules, please select below.

Para ver los programas de tarifas de electricidad (en inglés), seleccione abajo.

R-1A Standard Residential Rate

The rates shown below are the total costs as shown on your bill. To view the individual components that make up each rate, please go to Rate Ordinance.

For information on the difference between the Standard Residential Rate R-1A and the Time-of-Use Residential Rate R-1B, please go to Residential Electric Rate.

If your billing read dates cross over a price change, your consumption will be prorated or divided across the price changeover, based on the number of billing days used in each month.

Total Cost per Tier (excluding taxes) consists of a Power Access Charge and Total Consumption Charge:

Power Access Charge per Month

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3





Total Consumption Charge for each tier consists of the Energy Charge (Base Rate) plus Adjustment Factors.


Energy Charge per kWh 
(Base Rates Effective July 1, 2019)

Adjustment Billing Factors*

Period Applicable

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3


January - May




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

June - September




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

October - December




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

Adjustment Billing Factors: *Adjusted in January, April, July and October



Total Consumption Charge  
(includes Adjustment Factors)


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Period Applicable


January - March




April - May








July - September




October - December






January - March




April - May








July - September




October - December




The minimum charge for the Standard Residential Rate is $10 per month plus the Adjustment Factors (Energy Cost, Electric Subsidy, Reliability Cost, Variable Energy, Capped Renewable Portfolio Standard Energy, Variable Renewable Portfolio Standard Energy, and Incremental Reliability Cost). To view the Adjustment Factors costs, go to Residential Adjustment Billing Factors.


R-1B Time-of-Use (TOU) Residential

The rates shown below are the total costs as shown on your bill. To view the individual components that make up each rate, please go to Rate Ordinance. Please use this Time of Use Application to apply online.

For information on the difference between the Standard Residential Rate R-1A and the Time-of-Use Residential Rate R-1B, please go to Residential Electric Rate.

Total cost per billing period (excluding taxes) consists of a Service Charge and Total Consumption Charge per TOU period:

Service Charge



Total Consumption Charge for each TOU period consists of Energy Charge (Base Rate) plus Adjustment Factors.


Energy Charge per kWh 
(Base Rates Effective July 1, 2019)

Adjustment Billing Factors*

Period Applicable

High Peak

Low Peak



January - May




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

June - September




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

October - December




Adjustment Billing Factors - Residential

Adjustment Billing Factors: *Adjusted in January, April, July and October



Total Consumption Charge (includes Adjustment Factors)


High Peak

Low Peak


Period Applicable


January - March




April - May








July - September




October - December






January - March




April - May








July - September




October - December






A-1 Large TOU Residential Customers

Large TOU Residential Customers

This rate is for large single-family residential service with an on-site transformer dedicated solely to that individual customer.

The rates shown below are the total costs as shown on your bill. To view the individual Adjustment Factors, please go to Commercial Adjustment Billing Factors.

To view the individual components that make up each rate, please go to Rate Ordinance

Winter rates are effective October through May, and summer rates are effective June through September. If your billing read dates cross over a price change, your costs will be adjusted based on the number of billing days used in each month.

Rate A




Service Charge per Month

Facility Charge per kW

Energy Charge per kWh

Adjustment Billing Factors*

January - May




Adjustment Factors - Commercial

June - September




Adjustment Factors - Commercial

October - December




Adjustment Factors - Commercial




Service Charge per Month

Facility Charge per kW

Energy Charge per kWh

Adjustment Billing Factors*

January - May




Adjustment Factors - Commercial

June - September




Adjustment Factors - Commercial

October - December




Adjustment Factors - Commercial

Adjustment Billing Factors: *Adjusted in January, April, July and October 

Time-of-Use Rate B




Service Charge per Month

Facility Charge per kW

High Peak Energy Charge per kWh

Low Peak Energy Charge per kWh

Base Energy Charge per kWh

Adjustment Billing Factors*

January - May






Adjustment Factors - Commercial

June - September






Adjustment Factors - Commercial

October - December






Adjustment Factors - Commercial




Service Charge per Month

Facility Charge per kW

High Peak Energy Charge per kWh

Low Peak Energy Charge per kWh

Base Energy Charge per kWh

Adjustment Billing Factors*

January - May






Adjustment Factors - Commercial

June - September






Adjustment Factors - Commercial

October - December






Adjustment Factors - Commercial

Adjustment Billing Factors: *Adjusted in January, April, July and October

General Conditions: 
a.    Facilities Charge 
    The Facilities Charge shall be based on the highest demand recorded in the last 12 months, but not less than 4 kW.    

b.    Selection of Rates 
    (1)    The Department requires mandatory service under Rate B for single-family residential service with an on-site transformer dedicated solely to that individual customer. 
    (2)    If a customer is not a single-family residential service with an on-site transformer dedicated solely to that individual customer in accordance with conditions as set forth in Section 4.b.(1), above, a customer may choose to receive service either under Rate A or B. However, when a customer served under Rate B requests a change to Rate A, that customer may not revert to Rate B before 12 months have elapsed. 
    (3)    The customer shall be placed on Schedule A-2 or A-3 whose Maximum Demand either: 

  • Reaches or exceeds 30 kW in any three billing months or two bimonthly billing periods during the preceding 12 month period
  • Reaches or exceeds 30 kW during two High Season billing months or one High Season bimonthly billing period within a calendar year

c.    Electric Vehicle Discount 
    Owners of licensed passenger or commercial electric vehicles shall be entitled to a discount on the block of energy designated by the Department as necessary for basic vehicle charging. Proof of vehicle registration and charging location is required.



Electric Lifeline Customers

Electric Lifeline customers receive a subsidy of up to $35.42 every two months on their electric bill; however, the minimum charge is $4 every two months. To qualify, customers must be eligible for exemption from the City Electricity Users Tax under provisions of the Los Angeles Municipal Code by reason of senior citizen or disability status and household income. For qualification requirements and to fill out an application, please call the Customer Contact Center at 1-800-DIAL-DWP (1-800-342-5397) or go to Discount Rates.

Electric EZ-Save Customers

Electric EZ-Save customers receive a subsidy of up to $16.34 every two months. The subsidy should not exceed the customer's electric bill. Any customer whose total household income does not exceed the limits established by the Board of Water and Power Commissioners is eligible. For qualification requirements and to fill out an application, please call the Customer Contact Center at 1-800-DIAL-DWP (1-800-342-5397) or go to Discount Rates.

Service Rider NEM - Net Energy Metering (NEM)

Rate Effective September 1, 2008

1.  Applicability
Net Energy Metering Rider is applicable to any customer who meets the following requirements:
    a.    Customer owns and operates a permanent solar or wind turbine electrical generating facility or a hybrid system with a capacity of not more than one megawatt that is located on the customer’s premises, and is not an emergency, standby, temporary, or mobile generating facility. The final determination of the applicability of this service rider for a generating facility resides solely with the Department.
    b.    The generating facility operates in parallel with the Department’s transmission and distribution facilities and is served under a published Rate Schedule.
    c.    The generating facility is intended to and does primarily offset part or all of the customer’s own electricity requirements.
    d.    Customer pays all costs associated with the Department’s interconnection of customer’s generation.
    e.    Customer with permanent solar or wind turbine electrical generating facilities or a hybrid system of greater than 10kW nameplate capacity has signed a Solar-Powered Customer Generation Interconnection Agreement provided by the Department.
    Not applicable to any customer receiving Electric Service under Schedule CG-2 and CG-3.

2.    Special Conditions
    a.    Net Energy Metering means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied from the electric grid and the electricity generated on the Customer’s premises and delivered back to the electric grid or net energy recorded at the Service Point.
    b.    Net Energy Metering shall be accomplished by measuring the flow of electricity in two directions. The Department provides the necessary metering; however, in the event a customer installation provides atypical metering requirements, the customer shall be responsible for the Department’s expense of purchasing and installing a meter that is able to measure electricity flow in two directions. If an additional meter or meters are installed, the net metering configuration shall yield a result identical to that of a single meter.
    c.    The Department at its expense may purchase and install additional meters to provide the information necessary to accurately credit or bill the customer or to collect generating system performance information for research purposes.
    d.    Customer may elect to purchase Green Power under Service Rider REO, Renewable Energy Option, for net energy supplied by the Department.

3.    Billing
    a.    If the electricity (kWh) supplied by the Department is more than or equal to the electricity (kWh) generated by the customer over the billing period, the customer shall be billed for the net energy supplied under the customer’s currently applicable rate.
    b.    If the electricity (kWh) supplied by the Department is less than the electricity (kWh) generated by the customer over the billing period, all applicable monthly billing charges, except energy related charges or charges based upon kWh, shall apply. A credit for the energy received will be calculated using the applicable Rate Schedule energy pricing.
    c.    If, as a result of the bill calculation as set forth in Sections 3.a. or 3.b., above, the credit amount results in a credit balance, the Department will apply that balance to charges under each subsequent bill except Taxes and Minimum Charges until no further adjustment is due the customer. If a credit balance remains at the time when the customer terminates service, the balance will automatically be adjusted to zero and the customer shall be owed no further compensation for excess generation.
    d.    Credit balances will only be applied to the bill associated with the meter that measured the Excess Energy.


Service Rider REO - Renewable Energy Option

Rate Effective September 1, 2008

1. Applicability

Applicable to customers served under Schedules R-1, A-1, A-2 and A-3 who elect to participate in a program to further the development and usage of renewable generation resources for use in the City of Los Angeles. The rider is available to customers who volunteer to share the cost of such development and usage by selecting a percentage of energy usage from renewable generation resources as specified and paying for such selection via the Renewable Energy Adjustment (REA), as established in the General Provisions.

2. Billing

The REA under this Rider shall be in addition to, not in lieu of, a customer's regular billing under the standard rate schedules established in this Ordinance. Such additional charges shall be determined as follows:

REA    =    A * B * C

A =    Renewable Energy Adjustment Factor (REAF) as established in the General Provisions.
B =    Percent of customer's total electrical energy usage chosen from renewable generation resources.
C =    Total energy consumed (kWh) in the billing period.

3. Special Conditions

Renewable Electrical Energy (Green Power)

Green Power is electrical energy derived from, but not limited to, the following sources: wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, waste gas recovery or small hydroelectric. The Department will determine from time to time the mix of available Green Power.

To meet the customer's demand for Green Power, the Department may utilize its existing current Green Power resources, purchase Green Power on a spot basis from the open market, and/or acquire Green Power from newly developed resources either through purchase contracts and/or capital investments in Green Power generating facilities.

The Department may acquire Green Power from these newly developed resources, for sale under this rider, only after 20,000 Department customers have chosen to purchase Green Power. However, if the number of customers choosing to purchase Green Power is less than 20,000, but the aggregate amount of Green Power they have chosen to purchase exceeds 2,000,000 kWh per month, then the Department may acquire Green Power. Purchases of Green Power by the City of Los Angeles will not be used to satisfy these conditions.

The Department may acquire these newly developed Green Power resources subject to the additional constraint that, at any point in time, the total amount of such Green Power acquired by the Department shall never exceed the amount of Green Power purchased by the Department's customers pursuant to this rider.

Pursuant to the authority of Charter Sections 219.4 and 390, the Mayor and the City Council must approve of all Green Power purchase contracts of three years or more in duration and all capital investments in new Green Power generating facilities, or any other types of new generating facilities, which include the purchasing, financing and/or leasing of these facilities, if the investment exceeds five million dollars ($5 million).

4. General Conditions

Customers choosing to participate must do so, in writing, in a form acceptable to the Department. Each customer's commitment to Green Power shall initially be for no less than 12 months at the selected percentage. Thereafter, participation continues month-to-month and may be increased, decreased or terminated upon 15 day's notice.

The Renewable Energy Percentage may be selected by the customer provided that, as a minimum, Residential Service and Small General Service customers select a Renewable Energy Percentage of at least 20 percent; General Service customers select a Renewable Energy Percentage so that their usage of Green Power exceeds 500 kWh per month; and Large General Service customers select a Renewable Energy Percentage so that their usage exceeds 1,000 kWh per month.

The Department is authorized to estimate, based upon the customer's previous bills over a 12-month period, the REA along with the remainder of a customer's bill for the year ahead and offer a customer a uniform payment each billing period to be adjusted on the basis of actual usage at the end of the year.

Electrical energy available from renewable resources is highly contingent on weather and other acts of nature. The Department does not guarantee that the renewable electrical energy supplied will equal the renewable electrical energy demanded in any increment of time or billing period. The Department will use its best efforts using accepted utility practice to meet the demand for renewable electrical energy. Shortfalls in the supply of renewable electrical energy will be met by available electrical energy from the Department. Customers participating in the REO are deemed not to be harmed by any shortfall in renewable electrical energy; nor does the Department have an obligation to said customer in the event of such a shortfall.

Customers who choose the REO will not receive electrical energy from a specific renewable resource delivered directly to their premises. Rather, by choosing the REO, the customer authorizes a particular level of renewable electrical energy to be added to the Department's overall system.

An annual report on the REO will be made available to all customers by March 1 of each year covering REO activities of the preceding calendar year. The report will include, at minimum, information on renewable electrical energy sold, renewable electrical energy supplied, and a full financial disclosure of the REAF.


CEC Load Management Standards

The California Energy Commission (CEC) Load Management Standards require California’s large electric utilities and community choice aggregators to provide residential and commercial customers access to time-dependent electricity rates and programs designed to better align electricity demand with the availability of renewable energy resources.  Learn more on Load Management Standards page.